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Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 4
Discipline - Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea - Earth and Human Activity
[4.ESS.3.2] - Evaluate different solutions to reduce the impacts of a natural event such as an earthquake, blizzard, or flood on humans.*
Clarification Statement: Examples of solutions could include an earthquake-resistant building or a constructed wetland to mitigate flooding.
[3.ESS.3.1] -
Evaluate the merit of a design solution that reduces the damage caused by weather.* Clarification Statement: Examples of design solutions to reduce weather-related damage could include a barrier to prevent flooding, a wind-resistant roof, and a lightning rod.
[3.ETS.1.2] -
Generate several possible solutions to a given design problem. Compare each solution based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the design problem.* Clarification Statement: Examples of design problems can include adapting a switch on a toy for children who have a motor coordination disability, designing a way to clear or collect debris or trash from a storm drain, or creating safe moveable playground equipment for a new recess game.
[7.ESS.3.2] -
Obtain and communicate information on how data from past geologic events are analyzed for patterns and used to forecast the location and likelihood of future catastrophic events. Clarification Statements: Geologic events include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and landslides. Examples of data typically analyzed can include the locations, magnitudes, and frequencies of the natural hazards. State Assessment Boundary:
Active analysis of data or forecasting is not expected in state assessment.