Standards Map

Mathematics > Grade 8 > Geometry

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Mathematics | Grade : 8

Domain - Geometry

Cluster - Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.

[8.G.A.2] - Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.


  • Congruent
    Two plane or solid figures are congruent if one can be obtained from the other by rigid motion (a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations).
  • Reflection
    A type of transformation that flips points about a line, called the line of reflection. Taken together, the image and the pre-image have the line of reflection as a line of symmetry.
  • Rotation
    A type of transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point, called the center of rotation.
  • Sequence, progression
    A set of elements ordered so that they can be labeled with consecutive positive integers starting with 1, e.g., 1, 3, 9, 27, 81. In this sequence, 1 is the first term, 3 is the second term, 9 is the third term, and so on.
  • Translation
    A type of transformation that moves every point in a graph or geometric figure by the same distance in the same direction without a change in orientation or size.
  • Ambassador Task: Car Logos

Predecessor Standards:

No Predecessor Standards found.

Successor Standards:

  • GEO.G-CO.A.5
    Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
  • GEO.G-CO.B.6
    Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
  • GEO.G-CO.B.7
    Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent.
  • MI.G-CO.A.5
    Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
  • MI.G-CO.B.6
    Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
  • MI.G-CO.B.7
    Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent.

Same Level Standards:

  • 8.G.A.1
    Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations.
  • 8.G.A.4
    Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations; given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them.
  • 8.G.A.5
    Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, about the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles. For example, arrange three copies of the same triangle so that the sum of the three angles appears to form a line, and give an argument in terms of transversals why this is so.