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Predecessor Standards:

  • 3.OA.B.6
    Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8.
  • 3.NF.A.1
    Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole (a single unit) is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
  • 4.NF.B.4
    Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

Successor Standards:

  • 6.RP.A.2
    Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship, including the use of units. For example: This recipe has a ratio of three cups of flour to four cups of sugar, so there is ¾ cup of flour for each cup of sugar; We paid $75 for 15 hamburgers, which is a rate of five dollars per hamburger. Expectations for unit rates in this grade are limited to non-complex fractions.
  • 6.NS.A.1
    Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, create a story context for (2/3) ÷ (3/4) and use a visual fraction model to show the quotient; use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that (2/3) ÷ (3/4) = 8/9 because 3/4 of 8/9 is 2/3. (In general, (a/b) ÷ (c/d) = ad/bc.) How much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? How many 3/4-cup servings are in 2/3 of a cup of yogurt? How wide is a rectangular strip of land with length 3/4 mi and area 1/2 square mi?

Same Level Standards:

  • 5.NBT.B.7
    Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction and between multiplication and division; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
  • 5.NF.B.4
    Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction.
  • 5.NF.B.6
    Solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
  • 5.MD.B.2
    Make a line plot (dot plot) to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit. Use operations on fractions for this grade to solve problems involving information presented in line plot (dot plot). For example, given different measurements of liquid in identical beakers, find the amount of liquid each beaker would contain if the total amount in all the beakers were redistributed equally.