Standards Map

English Language Arts and Literacy > Grade 9-10 > Reading Informational Text

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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 9-10

Strand - Reading Informational Text

Cluster - Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

[RI.9-10.10] - Independently read and comprehend literary texts representing a variety of genres, cultures, and perspectives and exhibiting complexity appropriate for the grade/course. See more on qualitative and quantitative dimensions of text complexity.


  • Genre
    Category of text defined by criteria related to structure and style. Examples of literary genres are the essay, novel, and drama. Visual art, film, music, and other disciplines also define various genres.
  • Independent(ly)
    In the context of learning standards, without help from a teacher, other adult, or peer; in this document, often paired with proficient(ly) to describe a successful student performance without scaffolding.
  • Perspective
    Position from which something is considered or evaluated; standpoint. See Point of view.
  • Literary text
    Work of fiction in narrative, dramatic, or poetic form; also literary nonfiction.
  • Massachusetts Anchor Standards for Reading
  • Text complexity
    Level of difficulty of reading and comprehending a given text, combined with consideration of reader and task variables; in these standards, evaluated using three-part criteria that pairs qualitative and Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts and Literacy 185 quantitative measures with reader-task considerations. See Measuring Text Complexity and Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards for a larger discussion of text complexity.
  • Text Complexity and the Growth of Reading Comprehension

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