Standards Map

English Language Arts and Literacy > Grade 5 > Writing

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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 5

Strand - Writing

Cluster - Text Types and Purposes

[W.5.3.f] - For prose narratives, draw on characteristics of traditional or modern genres (e.g., tall tales, myths, mysteries, fantasies, historical fiction) from diverse cultures as models for writing. (See grade 5 Reading Literature Standard 9.)


  • Diverse
    (1) Differing from one another, unlike (as in texts presenting diverse perspectives); (2) composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities (as in a diverse population).
  • Genre
    Category of text defined by criteria related to structure and style. Examples of literary genres are the essay, novel, and drama. Visual art, film, music, and other disciplines also define various genres.
  • Narrative
    Is designed to relate events or experiences; may be primarily imaginative, as in a short story or novel, or primarily factual, as in a newspaper account or a work of history.
  • Prose
    Writing or speaking in the usual or ordinary form, in contrast with poetry or spoken word.

Predecessor Standards:

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Successor Standards:

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Same Level Standards:

  • RL.5.9
    Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries or adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics.