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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 3
Strand - Reading Literature
Cluster - Craft and Structure
[RL.3.6] - Distinguish their own point of view from that of a text's narrator or those of its characters.
- Fiction
Umbrella term for imaginative texts, primarily applied to written works of prose such as novels and short stories. Although fiction may draw on actual events and real people, it springs mainly from its author’s imagination. It is usually intended to entertain as well as enlighten its audience by deepening understanding of the human condition. See Nonfiction, Informational text. - Massachusetts Anchor Standards for Reading
[RL.2.6] -
Explain what dialogue is and how it can reveal characters' thoughts and perspectives.
[RL.4.6] -
Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.