Standards Map

English Language Arts and Literacy > Grade 3 > Reading Informational Text

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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 3

Strand - Reading Informational Text

Cluster - Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

[RI.3.10] - Independently and proficiently read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, mathematical, and technical texts exhibiting complexity appropriate for at least grade 3. (See more Information on qualitative and quantitative dimensions of text complexity.)


  • Independent(ly)
    In the context of learning standards, without help from a teacher, other adult, or peer; in this document, often paired with proficient(ly) to describe a successful student performance without scaffolding.
  • Informational text
    In this document, nonfiction in narrative or non-narrative form.
  • Massachusetts Anchor Standards for Reading
  • Proficient(ly)
    Meeting the criterion established in the standards as measured by a teacher or assessment; in this document, often paired with independent(ly) to suggest a successful student performance done without a teacher’s guidance.
  • Text Complexity and the Growth of Reading Comprehension
  • Text types and purposes
    The Writing Standards of this Framework emphasize three types of writing that are widely used in college study, careers, and civic participation. Many successful pieces of writing combine different text types in a single piece; for example, an argument may include a short narrative anecdote as evidence.

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