English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 2
Strand - Writing
Cluster - Production and Distribution of Writing
[W.2.5] - With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
- Editing
Component of writing and preparing presentations concerned chiefly with improving clarity, organization, conciseness, and appropriateness of expression relative to task, purpose, and audience; often involves replacing or deleting words, phrases, and sentences that are awkward or confusing and correcting errors in spelling, usage, mechanics, and grammar. See Revising, Rewriting - Revising
Component of writing and preparing presentations concerned chiefly with reworking a text in light of task, purpose, and audience considerations. Compared to editing, revising is a larger-scale activity often associated with the overall substance and structure of a text. See Rewriting.
[L.2.6] -
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, activities in the grade 2 curriculum, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives to describe. (See grade 2 Reading Literature Standard 4 and Reading Informational Text Standard 4 on applying knowledge of vocabulary to reading; see grade 2 Writing Standard 5 and Speaking and Listening Standard 4 on strengthening writing and presentations by applying knowledge of vocabulary.)