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English Language Arts and Literacy | Grade : 1
Strand - Reading Literature
Cluster - Craft and Structure
[RL.1.5] - Identify characteristics of common types of stories, including folktales and fairy tales.
- Fairy tale
Narrative composed for children; includes elements of magic and magical folk such as fairies, elves, or goblins. See Traditional literature - Folktale
Short narrative handed down through oral tradition, with various tellers and groups modifying it so that it acquires cumulative authorship. Most folktales eventually move from oral to written form. See Traditional literature. - Massachusetts Anchor Standards for Reading
- Massachusetts Anchor Standards for Reading
- Reading anchor standard 5
Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of a text relate to each other and the whole. - Reading Closely to Analyze Complex Texts in the Elementary Grades
- Studying folktales
For example, in a study of folktales as a genre, students listen to and read along with the teacher the traditional poem, “The Fox’s Foray,” noting the repetition, rhythm, and rhyme. After performing a choral reading of another version of the poem, “The Fox Went Out One Chilly Night,” they read more traditional tales featuring foxes and write opinion pieces about the character of the fox in the tales they have read. - Traditional literature
Works that transmit a culture’s knowledge and beliefs from generation to generation; oral for much of a culture’s history but often eventually put into writing; includes poems, songs, myths, dramas, rituals, folk and fairy tales, fables, proverbs, and riddles.
[RL.K.5] -
Recognize common types of texts and characteristics of their structure (e.g., story elements in books; rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in poems).
[RL.2.5] -
Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.