The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Board Documents - January 2017
Special Meeting
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
DESE, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA
Monday, January 23, 2017, 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Joint Meeting with the Board of Higher Education and Regular Meeting
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bridgewater State University
Rondileau Campus Center, Large Ballroom, 19 Park Avenue, Bridgewater, MA
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Joint Meeting and Regular Meeting:
Agenda Items:
- Joint Meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Board of Higher Education (9:00–11:00 a.m.)
- Massachusetts Early College Initiative - Discussion and Possible Votes by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Board of Higher Education
- Next-Generation MCAS High School Assessments - Discussion
- Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Regular Meeting (11:15 a.m.–3:00 p.m.)
Comments from the Chair
Comments from the Commissioner
Comments from the Secretary
Statements from the Public*
Meeting Minutes
Routine Business:
Approval of the Minutes of the December 20, 2016 Regular Meeting - Vote
Items for Discussion and Action:
Every Student Succeeds Act: Proposed Accountability Plan, Timeline, and Next Steps (Recap of January 23rd Special Meeting) - Discussion
Level 5 Schools: Second-Quarter FY2017 Reports and Update from Superintendent Pia Durkin, New Bedford Public Schools - Discussion
- Report on Probation for Boston Green Academy Horace Mann Charter School - Discussion and Vote
Proposed Amendments for Boston Collegiate Charter School and Boston Preparatory Charter Public School - Discussion and Vote
Proposed Amendment for Sturgis Charter Public School - Discussion and Vote
Information on New Charter Applicants; Overview of Process for New Charters - Initial Discussion
Other Items for Information:
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Annual Report for FY2016
Legislative Report: Education-Related Laws Enacted in 2015-2016 Legislative Session
Commissioner's Goals and Objectives for 2016-2017
Report on Grants and Charter School Matters Approved by the Commissioner
Board Members
- Mr. Paul Sagan, Chair, Cambridge
- Mr. James Morton, Vice Chair, Boston
- Ms. Katherine Craven, Brookline
- Dr. Edward Doherty, Hyde Park
- Dr. Roland Fryer, Cambridge
- Ms. Margaret McKenna, Boston
- Mr. Nathan Moore, Chair, Student Advisory Council, Scituate
- Mr. Michael Moriarty, Holyoke
- Dr. Pendred Noyce, Boston
- Mr. James Peyser, Secretary of Education, Milton
- Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Lexington
Mitchell D. Chester, Commissioner
Secretary to the Board