The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

2015 District and School Accountability Determinations

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
December 4, 2015

At the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting on December 15, I will provide you an overview of 2015 district and school accountability determinations, including decisions made for certain Level 4 (underperforming) schools. These determinations, which we plan to release during the week of December 7, are based in part on the 2015 MCAS and PARCC results for districts and schools. The Board reviewed and discussed the 2015 results at our meetings in September, October, and November.

As a reminder, our Massachusetts accountability system classifies each district and school into one of five levels, with schools making sufficient progress toward narrowing proficiency gaps classified into Level 1 and the lowest performing schools classified into Levels 4 and 5. In general, districts are classified into a level based on the level of their lowest performing school. In 2015, any school or district that administered PARCC in grades 3-8 last spring has been "held harmless" for purposes of the accountability system, meaning the school or district level could improve or stay the same as compared to 2014 but could not decline, except for Level 5 determinations, which are separate.

Senior Associate Commissioner Russell Johnston and other staff will join me in presenting the 2015 district and school accountability determinations.

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