The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Fiscal Year 2015 House Budget Recommendations

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
May 2, 2014

The House of Representatives (House) approved its Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Budget recommendations late Wednesday. The House's FY15 total budget recommendation for the Department of $4.985 billion represents an increase of $109.2 million above the $4.875 billion FY14 budget. An additional $7.47 million in spending was added across fifteen line items during the floor debate. The House budget acknowledges a number of the Board's priorities, while leaving some in need of support in the Senate. Among the highlights of the budget proposal are:

Continued Financial Support for Local Districts

Assistance for District and School Turnaround

Professional Development for English Language Learners Instruction

Expanded Learning Time Grants

HR and IT Consolidation under EOE

PARCC funding

Other Increases

In addition to the Board areas of priority, the House budget includes decreases/elimination in a number of Department accounts.

The balance of the Department's accounts is either level funded at current appropriation levels, have small increases included to cover traditional program maintenance costs, or have small decreases.

The attached chart compares the FY15 House budget recommendations to projected FY14 spending and identifies any variances.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Download PDF Document
Analysis of the FY15 House Budget