The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

New Student Discipline Law Effective July 1, 2014: Cost Study and Overview of Next Steps

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
December 6, 2013

This month I am reporting to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on our progress and next steps in implementing An Act Relative to Student Access to Educational Services and Exclusion from School (Act)1 which the Legislature passed and Governor Patrick signed into law in August 2012.

The Act created new section 21 of G.L. c. 76, which requires school districts and charter schools to ensure that students who are suspended or expelled from school continue to have an opportunity to make academic progress through educational services provided by their district or charter school. It further provides for reimbursement of the cost of such services. The Act also adds procedural and reporting requirements for student suspensions and expulsions, and requires schools to have a pupil absence notification program and a process for outreach to students before they withdraw from school. All these provisions take effect on July 1, 2014. They are outlined in the enclosed memo, dated November 28, 2012, that I sent to superintendents, principals, and charter school leaders.

The Act requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) to submit a report to the Legislature on the costs of implementing the Act by November 30, 2013, which we have done. Additionally, the Act directs the Department to promulgate regulations by July 1, 2014, governing the process for suspension and expulsion of students under new section 37H¾ of G.L. c. 71, and addressing data collection concerning disciplinary removals from school.

Associate Commissioner Carrie Conaway, Associate Commissioner John Bynoe, and Deputy General Counsel Dianne Curran will be at the December 17, 2013 Board meeting to present an overview of the cost study and the Act, and discuss next steps.


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Memo from the Commissioner, November 28, 2012: Chapter 222 of the Acts of 2012, An Act Relative to Student Access to Educational Services and Exclusion from School
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Chapter 222 of the Acts of 2012, An Act Relative to Student Access to Educational Services and Exclusion From School (text of the law)
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Report to the Legislature: Study of the Cost of Implementing the Student Discipline Law, November 2013