The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Annual Report of the School and District Accountability and Assistance Advisory Council

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
June 14, 2013

State law (G.L. Chapter 15, Section 1G) has established the general framework for many of the advisory councils to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. One such council, the School and District Accountability and Assistance Advisory Council (AAAC), advises the Department and Board on matters pertaining to the development and implementation of the Commonwealth's School and District Accountability and Assistance system. For the past six years, this council has played an important role in advising us on many important policy initiatives, including the design of our framework for accountability and assistance, district reviews, and targeted assistance efforts.

I have invited AAAC Chair Joe Esposito to update the Board on the work of the council and to share the council's recommendations from school year 2012-13. Joe has been serving as the council chair for six years, since the council's inception in 2008. He will be leaving the council after serving two three-year terms, the maximum allowed by statute. In addition to receiving the council's recommendations, this is an opportunity to recognize and thank Joe for his consistent leadership and commitment.

Enclosed please find the council's 2012-2013 annual report, submitted by Council Chair Joe Esposito, for your information and consideration. Joe will be joined by Senior Associate Commissioner Lynda Foisy for the discussion.

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2013 School and District Accountability and Assistance Advisory Council Annual Report