The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

House Committee on Ways and Means Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Recommendations

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
April 10, 2013

The House Committee on Ways and Means (HWM) released its Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) Budget recommendations today. The FY14 budgetary spending recommendations across all of state government total $33.826 billion; a 3.88% increase from FY 2013 spending. The total state budget is substantially reduced from the package proposed by the Governor.

The HWM's FY14 total budget recommendation for the Department of $4.806 billion represents an increase of $104.3 million above the $4.702 billion FY13 budget - primarily reflecting an increase in Chapter 70 state aid. Several key Board priorities are not supported in the HWM budget recommendations. Among the highlights of the budget proposal are:

Continued Financial Support for Local Districts

Assistance for District and School Turnaround

Professional Development for English Language Learners Instruction

In addition to the Board areas of priority, the HWM Committee included decreases/elimination in a number of additional Department accounts.

The balance of the Department's accounts is either level funded at current appropriation levels, have small increases included to cover traditional program maintenance costs, or have small decreases due to the impact of FY13 9C budget reductions.

The attached chart compares the HWM FY14 budget recommendations to projected FY13 spending and identifies any variances.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Download Excel Document
Analysis of FY14 House Ways & Means Budget
C. Senior Staff