The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Proposed Amendments to 603 CMR 10.00 - School Finance and Accountability Regulations (Reimbursement for Transportation for Homeless Students and Technical Amendments)
I am presenting to the Board this month, for initial discussion and a vote to solicit public comment, proposed amendments to the School Finance and Accountability Regulations, 603 CMR 10.00. With the Board's approval, we will solicit public comment on the proposed amendments and bring them back to the Board for a final vote in June 2013.
The Board last amended these regulations in September 2012, to increase the threshold for extraordinary maintenance projects, clarify certain statutory provisions addressing pre-payments of special education expenses, and make certain technical corrections. The amendments that I am now proposing are required by language in the FY13 state budget (Chapter 139 of the Acts of 2012) providing funding to reimburse school districts for the costs of providing transportation to homeless students, as required by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. This is the first time that state funds have been appropriated for this purpose and the reimbursement line item language requires the Board to promulgate regulations for the determination of reimbursements. In addition, the proposed amendments would clarify the municipal expenditures that can be claimed as supporting education.
Proposed Amendments
10.02 Definitions
Defines homeless student, homeless transportation, and school of origin.
10.03 Accounting & Reporting: School Districts.
Requires school districts to maintain records of program data for homeless students.
10.04 Financial Accounting & Reporting: Other Municipal Departments
Clarifies cost elements that can be claimed as supporting education.
10.05 Documentation Requirements
Outlines documentation requirements to support homeless students and transportation.
10.09 Transportation Reimbursement
Adds language defining eligible costs.
These proposed amendments are necessary to inform school officials about the accounting and reporting requirements for homeless student transportation reimbursement and to clarify certain other existing requirements.
Proposed amendments are indicated by underline (new language) or strikethrough (deleted language). Unchanged sections of the regulations are omitted. For the complete text of the current School Finance and Accountability Regulations, 603 CMR 10.00.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Jay Sullivan, Executive Director for School Finance and District Support; or Deputy Commissioner Jeff Wulfson; or me.