The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Charter Schools - Delegation of Authority to Commissioner to Remove or Continue Conditions Imposed on Charters
At its meeting in October 2011, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) voted to authorize the Commissioner to act on its behalf in "(a) granting charter renewals that do not involve probation; and (b) approving charter amendments that do not involve changes in grade span, maximum enrollment, or districts served; provided that the Commissioner shall report to the Board on all charter renewals and charter amendments that have been so approved; and provided further, that the Commissioner shall notify the Board in advance of all such intended actions, and a Board member may request that the Commissioner place the charter matter(s) on the agenda of the Board for discussion and action."
In January 2013, the Board's charter school committee discussed further delegation of decisions to the Commissioner. The committee noted that the delegation process has worked well and recommended delegating authority to the Commissioner to remove or continue conditions imposed on charters of charter schools. The Commissioner would continue to notify Board members in advance of intended actions, and Board members may request that the Commissioner place the matter before the full Board for discussion and action. All granting of new charters; placing a school on probation; revoking or not renewing a school's charter, and major amendments to a school's charter that change a school's grade span, maximum enrollment, or districts served will continue to be made by the Board.
If you have any questions regarding this recommendation or require additional information, please contact Cliff Chuang, Associate Commissioner (781-338-3222); Jeff Wulfson, Deputy Commissioner (781-338-6500); or me.