The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Board Documents - June 2012

Special Meeting

Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148
Monday, June 25, 2012, 5 - 7 p.m.

Items for Discussion:

  1. Race to the Top Update: Year 2 Review by U.S. Education Department; Selected Initiatives including Educator Evaluation and Wraparound Zones - Discussion
  2. RETELL Initiative - Continuing Discussion

Regular Meeting

Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148
Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Meeting Minutes Download Word Document

Comments from the Chair
Comments from the Commissioner
Comments from the Secretary
Statements from the Public

Routine Business:

Approval of the Minutes of the May 22, 2012 Regular Meeting - Vote

Items for Discussion and Action:

  1. Report of the Task Force on Integrating College and Career Readiness - Discussion and Vote to Receive Report
  2. Lawrence Public Schools - Update on Receivership and District Turnaround Plan - Discussion

Amendments to Regulations - Discussion and Final Vote:

  1. English Language Learners: Educator Preparation and Training Required for Sheltered English Immersion (RETELL Initiative), 603 CMR 7, 14, and 44
  2. Educator Preparation Program Approval, Professional Licensure including English as a Second Language License, and Other Matters, 603 CMR 7
  3. Equal Educational Opportunity, 603 CMR 26, and Charter Schools, 603 CMR 1 (Non-Discrimination Based on Gender Identity, per C. 199 of 2011)
  4. Accountability and Assistance for School Districts and Schools, 603 CMR 2.00

Other Items for Discussion or Action:

  1. Update on FY2013 Education Budget - Discussion
  2. Annual Performance Evaluation of the Commissioner: Report from Committee on Commissioner's Performance Evaluation - Discussion and Vote
  3. Delegation of Authority to Commissioner to take Necessary Action between Board Meetings - Discussion and Vote
  4. Schedule for Regular Board Meetings through June 2013 - Vote
  5. State Student Advisory Council End-of-Year Report - Discussion

Other Items for Information:

  1. Education-Related News Clippings
  2. Report on Grants Approved by the Commissioner
  3. Report on Non-Operating School Districts Approved by the Commissioner
  4. Report on TELL Mass Survey Results
  5. Report from Advisory Council on School and District Accountability and Assistance
  6. Barnstable Horace Mann Charter School: Return of Charter