The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

English Language Learners: Educator Preparation and Training/Professional Development Required for Sheltered English Immersion (RETELL Initiative)

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
May 16, 2012

At our May 22 meeting I will update the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on the proposed regulations that you voted to release for public comment on February 28, 2012. The regulations are designed to improve and better support the academic achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs) by 1) aligning requirements for educator preparation programs with new knowledge and professional standards so that prospective teachers will meet the requirements for a Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) endorsement upon graduation, and 2) strengthening the training/professional development that is required of veteran educators who provide SEI to ELLs. During the public comment period, the Department engaged in extensive outreach and received many thoughtful comments and recommendations that will improve the proposed regulations. Because we are continuing our discussions with the U.S. Department of Justice about the Commonwealth's duties under federal law relating to education of ELLs, I plan to present the regulations to the Board for a vote at your June 26 meeting rather than this month as originally planned. I will send the proposed final regulations to the Board as soon as possible, to give you ample time to review them before taking final action on June 26.


Strengthening teaching and learning for ELLs is a key to closing the proficiency gap. The regulations that the Board will vote on in June will define requirements for the "SEI endorsement" - the preparation and training/professional development that core academic teachers of ELLs, and building administrators who supervise such teachers, must have. It is important to note, however, that the regulations and the required SEI endorsement are part of a larger initiative that we are calling RETELL (Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners).

The RETELL initiative is a multifaceted and comprehensive approach designed to provide ELLs access to effective instruction and close proficiency gaps. The regulations calling for the SEI endorsement are an essential component but there are others. The SEI course - the training/professional development program that will lead to the SEI endorsement - will give educators a basic foundation of knowledge, skills, and understanding critical to SEI instruction. Beyond the coursework, instruction and professional practice in classrooms and schools will improve for ELLs through ongoing supervision and evaluation, updated standards and assessments, data review, and support for SEI teachers through coaching and other resources.

To that end, along with the regulations, the components of RETELL include:

Senior Associate Commissioner Bob Bickerton, Associate Commissioner Julia Phelps, and Esta Montano, Director of English Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement, will join me on May 22 to update the Board on the RETELL initiative. We will send you the detailed memorandum on the regulations as soon as possible, well in advance of the anticipated Board vote on June 26.