The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Update on the Massachusetts Task Force on Evaluation of Teachers and Administrators
In May 2010 the Board adopted a framework to be used as a starting point in the development of new statewide evaluation regulations and guidelines for teachers and administrators. A 40-member Task Force of educators, parents, association leaders and other experts has been meeting since August to develop recommendations to the Commissioner and the Board that will inform the draft regulations to be brought to the Board in February 2011.
As voted by the Board, the Task Force is focused on developing an evaluation framework that will:
- Produce honest, fair, and improvement-oriented feedback
- Establish a two-year cycle of improvement plans for every educator
- Include at least three performance rating categories
- Use student performance as a significant factor in evaluations
- Provide results that can be linked to key personnel decisions
Associate Commissioner David Haselkorn will present a progress report on the work of the Task Force at the Board's October meeting, and will outline some of the key challenges the Task Force will be addressing in its recommendations. He will be joined by several Task Force members who will provide their own additional perspectives on this work.
Members of the Massachusetts Task Force on Evaluation of Teachers and Administrators
- Patty Barrett, Principal, Andover Public Schools
- Anna Bradfield, Dean, Bridgewater State University
- Henry Braun, Professor, Boston College
- MaryAnn Byrnes, President, MA Council for Exceptional Children
- Mary Czajkowski, Superintendent, Agawam Public Schools
- John D'Auria, President, Working Group for Educator Excellence
- Christine Evans, MA School Counselor Association
- Lisa Famularo, Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy
- Michael Flynn, Teacher, Southampton Public Schools, former MA TOY
- Tom Fortmann, Retired Engineer/Executive, former DESE Board Member
- Robert Fraser, MA Assoc. of School Personnel Administrators
- Jon Fullerton, Center for Teacher Effectiveness, Harvard University
- Tom Gosnell, President, American Federation of Teachers MA
- Amanda Green, MA Assoc. of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils
- Orin Gutlerner, Founding Director, MATCH Charter Public High School
- Linda Hayes, MA Secondary School Administrators' Association
- Nadya Higgins, Executive Director, MA Elementary School Principals' Assoc.
- Caitlin Hollister, Teacher, Boston Public Schools
- Elsie Huang, Principal, Boston Preparatory Charter School
- Pamela Hunter, Principal, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School
- Neelia Jackson, Teacher, MA Mathematics Assoc. of Teacher Educators
- Carla Jentz, Executive Director, MA Administrators for Special Education
- Glenn Koocher, Executive Director, MA Assoc. of School Committees
- Jim Lynch, MA Assoc. of Vocational Administrators
- Joam Marmolejos, Student, Chelsea High School
- Seth Moeller, Director, Talent Management, Fidelity Investments
- Constance Moore, MA Art Education Association
- Linda Noonan, Executive Director, MA Business Alliance for Education
- Floris Wilma Ortiz-Marrero, Teacher, Amherst Public Schools, MA TOY
- Elizabeth Pauley, The Boston Foundation
- Steve Rivkin, Professor, Amherst College
- Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, Chief Academic Officer, Springfield Public Schools
- Tom Scott, Executive Director, MA Assoc. of School Superintendents
- Norm Shacochis, MA Council for the Social Studies
- Jesse Solomon, Boston Teacher Residency
- Paula Squires, VP for Human Resources, Baystate Health
- Mary Ann Stewart, President, Massachusetts State PTA
- Paul Toner, President, MA Teachers Association
- Shakera Walker, Teacher, Boston Public Schools
- Martin West, Professor, Harvard University