The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Fiscal Year 2011 Budget

To:Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Members
From:Mitchell D. Chester, Ed. D., Commissioner
Date:October 16, 2009

Attached please find two documents that will assist with our discussion of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education's Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request at the October meeting.

The first attachment lists the Department's accounts in numerical order. The columns detail the fiscal year 2009 appropriated amounts (pre- and post-all 9C budget reductions), the fiscal year 2010 current appropriated amounts, and the variance to the original Fiscal Year 2009 General Appropriation Act, Chapter #182 of the Acts of 2008.

The second attachment lists all the Department's accounts in numerical order and has a brief description of each account along with the funding for fiscal years 2007 through the fiscal year 2010, including the fiscal year 2009 post-all 9C budget reductions.

The Board's Budget Committee will report on the results of the first committee meeting that will be held on October 20th.
