The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Common Core English Language Arts and Mathematics Standards: Next Steps

To:Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
From:Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
Date:May 14, 2010

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with a revised process and schedule for reviewing and potentially adopting the K-12 Common Core Standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The revised process and schedule replaces the one I presented to you this past January, and is designed to ensure a rigorous and transparent review of the standards prior to asking the Board to consider adopting them this summer. The federal rules for our Race to the Top proposal require that we specify a date by which the Board will vote on the standards. In order to receive the full number of points for this section of our proposal, the Board must take a vote by August 2, 2010.

Assuming that a final draft of the Common Core Standards is released by the end of this month, I propose that the Board adopt the following timeline and process for voting on adoption of the Common Core Standards. June 1, 2010:

By June 15, 2010:

Board meeting on June 22, 2010:

Special Board meeting on or before August 2, 2010

July - September 2010:

September 2010 Board meeting:

September - October 2010:

November 2010 Board meeting:

January 2011 - June 2012: