The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Special Meeting on Civic Engagement and Learning

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
February 14, 2014

The topic for the special meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on Monday evening, February 24, 2014, is civic engagement and learning in our schools. The Board will hear about and discuss the current state of civic engagement in our schools and opportunities to strengthen that engagement.

Senator Richard Moore, who chaired the Special Commission on Civic Engagement and Learning, will join us to discuss the Commission's 2013 report, Renewing the Social Compact, and progress made on its recommendations. A copy of the report is enclosed for your information. Department staff will provide a brief update on our History and Social Science Framework, the curriculum work we are doing with support from Race to the Top, and community-service learning efforts. Representatives from the Malden Public Schools will present an overview of a community-service learning program in their district. We will reserve ample time for discussion, questions and comments from Board members.

I look forward to our discussion of this important topic.


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Renewing the Social Compact