A pathways strategy ensures that students have access to coursework that prepares them for life after graduation. Schools should have a pathways strategy that informs the types of programs and coursework that is offered to students.
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A pathways strategy helps districts to implement State Designated pathways such as State-Approved Career Technical Education (Chapter 74), Innovation Career Pathways, Early College, and locally developed pathways such as Career Connections (non-Chapter 74/Perkins only) and other local pathways and coursework.
Designing a secondary education that serves every student begins with ensuring all students have a strong foundation that is based in providing each student with the supports necessary to gain the foundational college and career readiness skills of Math, English, and Science proficiency in relevant, engaging learning experiences, developing and testing a plan that connects their learning to their interests and goals (MyCAP), and ensuring students are taking coursework that allows for an authentic choice to pursue four year college degree post-graduation (MassCore).
Schools then can determine the pathways and coursework to offer along a spectrum of courses and programs that offer advanced standing for specific careers, advanced standing in college, and broader college and career exploration.
Developing a Pathways strategy and Program of Study for your school/district, should be developed based on Community Need/Demand, what the community want graduates to be able to do by graduation (portrait of a graduate), and guided by ensuring students have voice and choice in determining their path that would help them be successful post-graduation.
Last Updated: April 24, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
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