The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cooperatively support eleven school districts to create the conditions for improved adolescent health by providing funding and resources designed to HIV priority prevention districts 'Working to Improve Sexual Health Environments in Schools' (WISHES). Training, technical assistance and funding from the CDC and its other funded partners amplify the Department's efforts to assist WISHES districts to plan, implement, and evaluate the impact of four CDC-approved evidence-based approaches (the Approaches) to Reduce Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors, HIV/STDs, and Teen Pregnancy. These include:
WISHES districts receive access to locally prioritized training and technical assistance, professional development, policy education and related resources from Department staff in consultation with other national CDC-funded partners including Advocates for Youth (ESHE), the National Coalition of STD Directors (SHS) and the American Psychological Association's Safe Schools Program (SSE). These resources support WISHES district team leaders (which include health and wellness coordinators, teachers, school health nurse leaders, and administrators) to develop locally and culturally appropriate evidence-based programming and curricula, and effective sexual health education policies at the district and school level.
Related policies that schools receive support to implement include confidentiality, condom availability, dating violence, electronic aggression and bullying prevention, gender non-discrimination, health service referral and parental notification policies, as well as others supporting HIV-infected students and staff, and LGBTQ students at disproportionate risk.
The WISHES program is guided by the Department's WISHES Statewide Health Advisory Council (WISHES SHAC), which is made up of key stakeholders representing families, schools and community partners in health promotion and disease prevention efforts. The AAP advises the Department on the implementation of best practices for locally-appropriate health education efforts on a wide range of HIV- and sexuality-related topics. The Department seeks WISHES SHAC representation from constituents who have expertise on topics including: healthy sexual development, HIV/AIDS, sexual minority youth, teen pregnancy, minority youth, adolescent reproductive health issues, youth at disproportionate risk, sexuality education in school settings, outreach, program planning, state and local government programs, and community organizations.
The panel's work also includes program development, community communication, and materials review. The WISHES SHAC periodically reviews sexuality education curricula against 14 criteria they developed for school based programs. The criteria include accuracy of information, developmental appropriateness, inclusion of racial, ethnic and cultural communities, and alignment with the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework , National Health Education Standards, and National Sexuality Education Standards.
Form for Curriculum Review
Curriculum Review Results are posted and are updated periodically.
Please note that at no time should this list be considered exhaustive, as other evidence-based programs and practices may exist that have not yet been reviewed or posted here. Each district must determine what curriculum and strategies are most appropriate for each school and grade level, taking into account developmental stages, local needs and other factors. Following is a list of resources and programs that may also be helpful to WISHES districts and others.
For more information, please contact: Lenore Tsikitas, MPH HIV/AIDS Health Program Specialist 781-338-6321
MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework
Safe and Supportive Schools
CDC National Prevention Information Network
Advocates for Youth Sex Education Resource Center
Developing a Scope and Sequence for Sexual Health Education
Developing Organizational Partnerships and Referral Systems Resource Guides
Health Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide
The Future of Sex Education (Sex Ed Quality Improvement Project)
GLSEN's National School Climate Survey: biennial report on the school experiences of LGBT youth in schools.
School Health Profiles: biennial survey of MS/HS principals, lead health and physical education teachers assessing school health policies and practices, last reported out for all participating districts and WISHES districts in 2014.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey and Youth Health Survey: biennial risk and protective factor surveillance surveys.
Advocates for Youth Parents' Sex Ed Center
CDC Parent Engagement Strategy Guide
CDC Positive Parenting Resources
National Campaign to End Teen Pregnancy
Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy
The Family Project
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) provides oversight of health services across several school-based settings:
The Adolescent Health and Youth Development and the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in the Office of Sexual Health and Youth Development oversee related initiatives, including the federally-funded Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) in conjunction with the Department.
The DPH School-Based Health Center Program oversees health centers in or affiliated with Massachusetts schools, including those located in WISHES districts.
The DPH School Health Unit is responsible for most school nursing services and oversight of school nurse leaders, some of whom lead WISHES districts. They also provide Continuing Education for school staff and guidance on coordinated school health through the comprehensive School Health Manual.
Last Updated: August 10, 2017