The Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery provides a credit toward tuition at Massachusetts public colleges and universities.
Comparison of Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award and the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship
The application for the Koplik Certificate of Mastery is now a completely electronic process with an online application system.
The eligible student list will only be available in the new application, which requires a mandatory training session to navigate. As scheduled trainings have concluded, please contact Alexia Cribbs for information on how to set up a training for your school.
This training is mandatory. The old system will not be available for the class of 2025 (and beyond) and paper applications will not be accepted.
Students meeting the initial eligibility requirements must register for an online account to complete the application. You may register by completing and returning the Koplik Interest Form to your high school's Koplik Coordinator no later than April 15.
Koplik Certificate of Mastery Academic Achievement Pathways
FAQ for the Koplik Certificate of Mastery
Parents/guardians of eligible students will receive a notification letter from their school's Koplik Coordinator* in the late winter (Jan/Feb) of 2025. The letter includes a Koplik Interest Form and a "Next Steps" Document , these documents explain the remaining requirements should the student wish to pursue the Certificate.
* Every public high school, regional high school, regional vocational technical high school and public charter high school is asked to assign a person to serve as the Koplik coordinator. The Koplik coordinator is responsible for:
All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted directly through the online system; documents sent to DESE will not be processed.
For any questions you may have regarding the Koplik Certificate of Mastery, please contact .
Recipients of the Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery are eligible for an award of a non-need-based tuition credit for state-supported undergraduate courses. Individual student awards shall be no more than the resident undergraduate tuition rate at the participating institution. For updated information on current tuition rates at Massachusetts Public Colleges and Universities, please visit Massachusetts Department of Higher Education's Koplik Certificate of Mastery Tuition Credit — Current and Recent Value.
Berkshire Community College Admissions: 413-236-1630 Financial Aid: 413-236-1640
Bristol Community College Admissions: 508-678-2811 x. 2947 Financial Aid: 508-678-2811 x. 2515
Bunker Hill Community College Admissions: 617-228-3398 Financial Aid: 617-228-2275
Cape Cod Community College Admissions: 508-362-2131 x. 4311 Financial Aid: 508-362-2131 x. 4393
Greenfield Community College Admissions: 413-775-1801 Financial Aid: 413-775-1109
Holyoke Community College Admissions: 413-552-2321 Financial Aid: 413-552-2150
Massachusetts Bay Community College Admissions: 781-239-2500 Financial Aid: 781-239-2600
Massasoit Community College Admissions: 508-588-9100 x. 1411 Financial Aid: 508-588-9100 x. 1479
Middlesex Community College Admissions: 978-656-3207 Financial Aid: 978-656-3242
Mount Wachusett Community College Admissions: 978-630-9110 Financial Aid: 978-630-9169
North Shore Community College Admissions: 978-762-4188 Financial Aid: 978-762-4189
Northern Essex Community College Admissions: 978-556-3700 Financial Aid: 978-556-3650
Quinsigamond Community College Admissions: 508-854-4262 Financial Aid: 508-854-4261
Roxbury Community College Admissions: 617-541-5310 Financial Aid: 617-541-5322
Springfield Technical Community College Admissions: 413-755-3333 Financial Aid: 413-755-4214
Bridgewater State University Admissions: 508-531-1237 Financial Aid: 508-531-1341
Fitchburg State University Admissions: 800-705-9692 Financial Aid: 978-665-3156
Framingham State University Admissions: 508-626-4500 Financial Aid: 508-626-4534
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Admissions: 413-662-5410 Financial Aid: 413-662-5219
Massachusetts Maritime Academy Admissions: 800-544-3411 Financial Aid: 508-830-5087
Salem State University Admissions: 978-542-6200 Financial Aid: 978- 542-6112
Westfield State University Admissions: 413-572-5218 Financial Aid: 413-572-5218
Worcester State University Admissions: 508-929-8040 Financial Aid: 508-929-8056
University of Massachusetts Amherst Admissions: 413-545-0222 Financial Aid: 413-545-0801
University of Massachusetts Boston Admissions: 617-287-6100 Financial Aid: 617-287-6300
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Admissions: 508-999-8605 Financial Aid: 508-999-8843
University of Massachusetts Lowell Admissions: 978-934-3931 Financial Aid: 978-934-4220
Last Updated: January 27, 2025