Individuals who need or want to earn the SEI endorsement may pay to enroll in SEI Endorsement courses through one of the approved providers listed at For-Cost Courses webpage.
If you hold a professional license and want more information about license renewal, please visit Advancing/Renewing a License.
While an educator can learn a great deal about Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) through an SEI Endorsement course, there are infinite opportunities to extend that learning and practice thereafter. Moreover, whether or not an educator has been required to obtain the SEI Endorsement, after July 1, 2016, under recertification regulations every public school educator in the Commonwealth must earn 15 PDPs addressing the needs of English language learners in each relicensure cycle.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provides information about well-designed avenues to extend SEI learning and practice. Please visit the Extending the Learning page for more information.
Last Updated: April 11, 2023