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Clarification of the Test Administrator's Test Security and Ethics Agreement

To: Principals, Directors of Charter Schools, Chapter 766 Schools, Institutional Schools, and Educational Collaboratives
From: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education
Date: April 5, 2000

As you may know, I have received quite a few complaints about the Spring 2000 MCAS Test Administrators' Test Security and Ethics Agreement, which includes a list of rules for test administrators and a space for teachers and other test administrators to sign in agreement. I have made a decision in response to these concerns. First, I want to reiterate that the rules and procedures of test administration stated in all MCAS manuals need to be taken seriously, without exception, so that there are no cases of testing irregularities. With these rules in place, there will be a serious atmosphere for testing which will allow students to do their best. I urge you to be sure that every test administrator is familiar with the rules and has an opportunity to resolve any questions with you before the testing begins. However, the signing of this form by teachers and other test administrators is entirely optional. There is no longer any requirement that this form be signed. The rules speak for themselves and in my view, a signed agreement is unnecessary. I have full confidence that the teachers and administrators of the Commonwealth will perform their professional duties.

Last Updated: April 5, 2000

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