The US. Department of Education (USED) announced that it is opening its annual data collection for all states and districts that received ESSERs I, II, and III. The performance reporting period will be based on activities administered between the following dates:
USED has released the data collection form for this reporting period, which lists all of the data elements they are looking for. We are in the final stages of developing the data collection tools for each of the ESSER-related grants so that districts may report on their expenditures and activities.
To help you prepare for the data collection, we will hold two webinars, one on Thursday 4/11/24 at 3PM and the same webinar repeated on Friday 4/12/24 at 1PM. We encourage you to register for either session, even if you cannot attend (to get the registration link, please email your federal grants liaison). We will share the webinar slides, and any generated Q&A materials with all registered attendees.
More information about ESSER FY23 data collection can be found here: ESSER Data Collection.
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