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Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)

New MTEL-Flexes for Mathematics (Middle School)(65) and Mathematics (Secondary)(63) coming soon

New Alternative Assessments

We are excited to share that both the Mathematics (Middle School)(65) and Mathematics (Secondary)(63) MTEL-Flexes are being made available as alternative assessments to their respective MTELs.

Registration for both of these new Mathematics MTEL-Flexes will open on January 30, 2024. The first possible submission deadline will be February 1, 2024.

For more information about the MTEL-Flex, please see MTEL-Flex webpage.

Candidate Eligibility

Candidates may opt to take the MTEL-Flex if they scored within one standard error of measurement (SEM) of passing on the corresponding MTEL exam. Candidates accessing the new Mathematics (Middle School)(65) and Mathematics (Secondary)(63) must have scored within 1 SEM of passing on the new Mathematics (Middle School)(65) and Mathematics (Secondary)(63) MTELs. Scores on the retired Mathematics (Middle School)(47) and Mathematics (Secondary)(09) MTELs are not eligible.

A scaled score in that range (1 SEM) indicates that the candidate came very close to passing the MTEL. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has determined that candidates who score close to the passing score can provide additional evidence of their subject matter knowledge by completing MTEL-Flex and receiving a passing score on that assessment. Candidates should refer to the MTEL website to determine if they are eligible to take MTEL-Flex.


The cost for each MTEL-Flex is $69 per submission for the both the Mathematics (Middle School) and Mathematics (Secondary) MTEL-Flex.


Resources for programs and candidates who are interested in the MTEL-Flex can be found on the individual MTEL-Flex pages. Resources include the MTEL-Flex Handbook and policies, including those which outline the appropriate and inappropriate support that can be provided by programs to candidates taking the MTEL-Flex.

Last Updated: November 17, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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