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Digital Learning & Technology

Free #GoOpen Regional Summit — September 23, 2016

North Reading Public Schools in North Reading, MA will host a #GoOpen Regional Summit on Friday, September 23, 2016 at the Amazon Offices in Cambridge, MA. Attendance at the one-day summit is free. The #GoOpen Regional Summit will provide an opportunity for classroom teachers, school librarians, instructional coaches, and district and state leaders to explore opportunities to expand the use of high quality, openly licensed educational resources in classrooms. The #GoOpen Regional Summit will feature three tracks:
  1. Track 1 — For districts that are not currently #GoOpen Districts, but interested in Open Education Resources (OER) and possibly joining #GoOpen.

  2. Track 2 — For new #GoOpen Districts that want to learn more about next steps.

  3. Track 3 — #GoOpen Districts/Ambassador Districts where work has started.

Existing #GoOpen Districts are encouraged to send a team of three to five people who are directly involved in their #GoOpen work. Districts are encouraged to send superintendents, curriculum directors, and teacher leaders who would be responsible for leading the effort if they choose to join. Speakers will include:
  • Kristina Peters, K–12 Open Education Fellow, who coordinates the #GoOpen work for the US Department of Education;
  • Andrew Marcinek, former K–12 Open Education Advisor; and
  • Ken Klau, Director of Digital Learning, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Additional perspectives on OER will be provided by Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education at SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition). Below are resources about #GoOpen: Registration for the #GoOpen Regional Summit — EventBrite Registration link We hope that you consider joining us for the #GoOpen Regional Summit at Amazon in Cambridge. Please contact Dr. Daniel Downs, North Reading Public Schools, (978) 526-5265,, if you have any questions.

Last Updated: August 12, 2016

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