Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : 4
Discipline - Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea - Earth and Human Activity
[4.ESS.3.1] - Obtain information to describe that energy and fuels humans use are derived from natural resources and that some energy and fuel sources are renewable and some are not. Clarification Statements: Examples of renewable energy resources could include wind energy, water behind dams, tides, and sunlight. Non-renewable energy resources are fossil fuels and nuclear materials.
[RI.4.9] -
Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
[W.4.9] -
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support written analysis, reflection, and research, applying one or more grade 4 standards for Reading Literature or Reading Informational Text as needed.
[4.MD.A.2] -
Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale.
[4.PS.3.2] -
Make observations to show that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
Clarification Statement: Evidence of energy being transferred can include vibrations felt a small distance from a source, a solar-powered toy that moves when placed in direct light, warming a metal object on one end and observing the other end getting warm, and a wire carrying electric energy from a battery to light a bulb. State Assessment Boundary: Quantitative measurements of energy are not expected in state assessment.