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Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium (MFLC)

Resources for Parents

Online Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Online Resources for Parents and Caregivers is the product of a year-long exploration of learning resources for parents and caregivers of young children. Compiled by members of the Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium, this document provides descriptions of and links to quality websites for Language, Reading & Writing, Math & Science, Building Home/School Connections, General Education & Information for Parents, Massachusetts Authors & Illustrators, Places to Visit in Massachusetts, and other topics. It can help parents start finding treasures on the web, Great Websites for Kids and Best Websites for Kids at Common Sense Media provide additional recommendations — a virtual treasure chest! — to keep the learning going.

Get Ready to Read
Get Ready to Read! is designed to support educators, parents, and young children in the development of early literacy skills in the years before kindergarten. Intended for use with all children, the resources and information provided on this site promote skill-building, communication between adults, and ways to address concerns.

Families Learn and Grow Together
This resource guide helps parents understand the stages of child development from birth to 14 and provides suggestions for fun, low-cost family activities. Parents are encouraged to print the guide and discuss it with others. The guide is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

One Tough Job
This award winning website of The Children's Trust Fund provides parents with expert information, tips, and support they need to be the best parents they can be. The home page has a link to a Spanish version of the website.

Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers
Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young children learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. The project includes online services and Public Broadcasting System (PBS) TV programs.

The Role of the Parent in Family Literacy
This handout summarizes the roles parents play in their children's literacy development and provides five simple activities parents can do to build a solid foundation of family literacy at home.

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Last Updated: November 17, 2014

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