Educator Evaluation

Educator Evaluation Resources

As educators strive to meet students' academic and social-emotional learning needs, the educator evaluation process provides an opportunity to meaningfully support, recognize, and develop practice. The following suite of resources and practical tools reflect feedback from educators on how to implement educator evaluation in support of more equitable, culturally responsive schools and classrooms for all.

Overview Information and Training

  • Educator Evaluation in Massachusetts: The Model System
    An online module that walks educators through the key components of the educator evaluation framework as articulated in the Model System, including the 5-Step Cycle, the three categories of evidence, the Standards and Indicators of Effective Practice and related model rubrics, and the process for determining performance ratings.

  • Training Workshops for Teachers Four workshop sessions designed to support teachers and other educators to be active participants in their evaluation.

  • Superintendent Evaluation in Massachusetts
    Guidance, rubrics, and videos to support the superintendent evaluation process

Quick Reference Guides

Brief (1–2 page) introductions to key components of educator evaluation in Massachusetts.

Focus Indicators

Recommendations for priority practices for teaching and leading, around which educators can focus feedback, support, and collaboration.

Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting

  • Self-Assessment Tool
    This self-assessment tool can be used by teachers to 1) reflect on their own strengths and areas for growth in key practices and 2) draft professional practice and student learning goals to guide professional learning and advance equity for students.

  • Creating SMARTIE Goals Tool
    This resource supports educators to develop individual and/or team student learning goals and professional practice goals, aligned with the Focus Indicators for Teaching.

Evidence Collection

Staff, Student, and Family Feedback

  • Staff and Student Feedback
    Resources and guidance for integrating feedback into the evaluation process.

  • Student Feedback Surveys (Aligned to Focus Indicators)
    These student feedback tools are designed to help teachers gather feedback from students on their learning experiences. Aligned with the Focus Indicators for Teaching, they are available for students in Grades K–2, 3–5, and 6–12 and have been translated into five languages.

  • Staff Feedback Survey (Aligned to Focus Indicators)
    This staff feedback tool is designed to provide feedback for school-based administrators, aligned to the Focus Indicators for Administrators.

  • Quick Reference Guide: Engaging Families through Educator Evaluation
    This QRG provides guidance to educators and evaluators on general principles of family engagement within the educator evaluation process and strategies for integrating family voice into the Model System.

Evaluator Resources

  • Evaluator Calibration
    Videos, tools, and resources to support groups of educators or evaluators in developing a shared understanding of effective, standards-aligned instructional practice and high-quality feedback.

  • Principal Supervisor Resources
    Recommendations and resources for effective principal evaluation.

  • Professional Learning Network for Supporting Evaluator Capacity
    Strategies from eight districts that participated in the 2014-15 Professional Learning Network focused on building evaluators' capacity and implementing a meaningful and streamlined evaluation process.

Strategic Planning

Resources for creating coherence between the educator evaluation system and district and school improvement planning (developed as part of Planning for Success).

Technology Platforms

Through Request for Responses 23MACISSC3, DESE is identifying vendors that can provide technology solutions to districts and schools in support of effective and efficient implementation of the educator evaluation process using the updated rubrics.

The following vendors have been approved to date (this list may be updated at any time):

  • Classroom Mosaic
  • Educational Vistas
  • Proserva

For more information on these vendors, including contact information, please reference this spreadsheet.

Last Updated: June 27, 2024