The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Improving Education for English Learners — Updates

To:Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
From:Jeffrey C. Riley, Commissioner
Date:June 14, 2019

At the June 2018 meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board), the Board voted to amend several areas of regulation including 603 CMR 7.00 (Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval Regulations), 603 CMR 14.00 (Education of English Learners Regulations) and 603 CMR 31.00 (Massachusetts Certificate of Mastery Regulations). These amended regulations were designed to improve the instruction of English learners and implement the Language Opportunity for Our Kids Act, Chapter 138 of the Acts of 2017 (LOOK Act). Below is a brief summary of some key provisions of the LOOK Act and the work the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has done during SY2019 and will be doing in SY2020 to support districts and schools in implementing it.

Language Acquisition Program Flexibility (now addressed in state regulation 603 CMR 14.04):

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

Increased Input from Parents and Guardians:

English Learner Parent Advisory Councils (now addressed by state regulation 603 CMR 14.09)

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

Parental Notification and Input on Program Assignment

  • Requires districts to, at least annually, inform parents and guardians of English learners of their rights to:
    • Choose a language acquisition program among those offered by the district,
    • Request a new language acquisition program, and
    • Withdraw a student from a language acquisition program.

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

State Seal of Biliteracy (now addressed in state regulation 603 CMR 31.07)

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

  • Developed Guidance for Implementing the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy.
  • Developed Massachusetts Approved Assessment Instruments for Foreign Languages and English for district State Seal of Biliteracy leaders.
  • Developed a Portfolio-Based Alternative Evidence Method for Foreign Language Assessment in MA for district State Seal of Biliteracy leaders.
  • Provided technical assistance to districts that were interested in opting into the State Seal of Biliteracy program. Thus far 80 districts have opted into the program.
  • Developed a system to collect data on who has earned the State Seal of Biliteracy and the State Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction.
  • Will create a map of districts that have opted into the State Seal of Biliteracy program and how many students in each district have earned the State Seal of Biliteracy and the State Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction.
  • Met with members of the MA Business Alliance for Education and a representative of the MA Department of Higher Education to create a partnership to promote bilingualism in our state and map out what that might look like.

Benchmarks, Guidelines and Templates

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

New Educator Qualifications for Bilingual Education (now addressed in state regulation 603 CMR 7.14)

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

  • Developed a Bilingual Education Endorsement webpage for district leaders and educators to access.
  • Developed a Frequently Asked Questions document for district leaders and educators to access.
  • Created the Bilingual Education Endorsement Guidelines and the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) review process whereby IHEs can apply to become approved providers of bilingual education courses that result in the bilingual endorsement. DESE has approved two IHE programs thus far: Bridgewater State University and UMASS Amherst.
  • Will develop a Bilingual Endorsement MTEL test for educators in SY2020.
  • Will develop Bilingual Endorsement data in EDWIN for district leaders in SY2020.

New Educator SEI Endorsement Qualifications for Career Vocational Technical Educators (now addressed in state regulations 603 CMR 4.00, 7.14, 7.15 and 14.08)

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Support for the Field:

  • Updated readings, assignments, and videos for the SEI Endorsement course to make it more relevant to career vocational technical educators.
  • Hired vendors to run 44 no-cost SEI Endorsement courses for career vocational technical educators in spring 2019 and fall 2019.
  • Developed a webpage to provide career vocational technical educators with information regarding the requirements to obtain the SEI Endorsement, the pathways to earn the SEI Endorsement, and other resources.
  • Developed a No-Cost SEI Endorsement Course webpage where career vocational technical educators may register for SEI Endorsement courses.
  • Added SEI Endorsement data in EDWIN for career vocational technical educators, to supplement the existing data for core content educators.