The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Board Documents - January 2019
Special Meeting
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148
Monday, January 14, 2019, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Redesigned School and District Report Cards — Discussion
Update on Automated Test Scoring — Discussion
New Bedford Charter School Matters
Regular Meeting
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA
Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Comments from the Chair
Comments from the Commissioner
Comments from the Secretary
Statements from the Public*
Meeting Minutes of the Special Meeting January 14, 2019 
Meeting Minutes of the Regular Meeting January 22, 2019 
Routine Business:
Approval of the Minutes of the December 18, 2018 Regular Meeting .
Agenda Items:
Charter School Matters:
Alma del Mar Charter School, New Bedford: Expansion Request
— Discussion and Vote
City on a Hill Charter Public School New Bedford: Charter Renewal — Discussion and Vote
Information on New Charter Applicants; Overview of Process for New Charters — Initial Discussion
Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School: Report on Probation
— Discussion
Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter School: Report on Probation — Discussion and Vote
Other Items for Discussion:
2019 Accountability for High Schools — Discussion
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Annual Report for FY 2018 — Discussion
Other Items for Information:
Legislative Report: Education-Related Laws Enacted in 190th Legislative Session
Chronically Underperforming Schools: 2nd Quarter FY 2019 Progress Reports
Report on Grants
and Charter School Matters Approved by the Commissioner
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Members
- Mr. Paul Sagan, Chair, Cambridge
- Mr. James Morton, Vice Chair, Springfield
- Ms. Katherine Craven, Brookline
- Dr. Edward Doherty, Hyde Park
- Ms. Amanda Fernández, Belmont
- Ms. Maya Mathews, Student Advisory Council, Newton
- Ms. Margaret McKenna, Boston
- Mr. Michael Moriarty, Holyoke
- Mr. James Peyser, Secretary of Education, Milton
- Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Lexington
- Dr. Martin West, Newton
Jeffrey C. Riley, Commissioner
Secretary to the Board
Please note: The Board's regular meeting this month is on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. At its regular meetings, the Board welcomes public comment on matters within its purview. Accordingly, the Board makes available a maximum 30-minute period at its regular meetings for persons in the audience to address the Board for no longer than 3 minutes. Written material of any length may be submitted. Preference will be given to persons who seek to address the Board on specific agenda items for the upcoming Board meeting. Agendas for upcoming Board meetings are generally posted 5 days prior to the meeting on the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education's website. Persons wishing to speak are strongly encouraged to submit their request before the day of the meeting; contact information is provided below. Preference will be given to those who submit requests by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the regular Tuesday meeting. If time permits, the chairman will allow members of the public who have not contacted the Department in advance to speak in the public comment period; those individuals must sign in prior to the start of the meeting. The chairman may limit the number of speakers due to time constraints and may increase or reduce the time allocated per speaker. While there is no requirement to submit written testimony, a speaker who elects to do so should submit 15 copies of the testimony prior to or at the meeting for distribution to Board members. Requests to address the Board, written testimony, and other inquiries may be transmitted by mail, e-mail, fax, or telephone to: Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148, Phone: 781-338-3112, Fax: 781-338-3770, E-mail: